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Credits (here we go again)

as the title says, these people, things, or services helped me make this website.

myself: for making this

macos.amfi: for inspiring me to try out web development back in October 2023.

Stackoverflow, w3schools, reddit, and other random websites: for teaching me this stuff.

Cloudflare: nameservers / dns services, who cares if it's a fed honeypot?

Spaceship (the registrar): For having a good deal on .nets back in March 2024.

Wordpress: blog code.

dr pepper: for existing and powering me to do all this.

HONORABLE MENTION: Monster Energy. This too helps me make stuff, and, mostly helps me get more ideas. (in case you're wondering, that's pipeline punch i drink.)

 tholman: for making the cool cursor effects. you can find the effects here.

my thinkpad: for being the overheater i use to make all this. It's really good for portability. music services on the homepage. and not being picky about api requests. (thank god)

randomuser691337: the play-on-click code on the homepage. and dark mode on the very old homepage.

the internet archive / for making and hosting the wayback machine! an awesome invention. also for saving my ass when farsky randomly got their servers wiped.

everyone and everything here is cool. trust.

dr pepper

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